Weekly work...

These are time sensitive. You do not receive credit if you write them after the deadline each week.

First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.

Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.

Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.'

Monday, November 2, 2015


Answer one of the following questions this week:

Is it true that hurt people hurt people?

Would you rather be invincible from physical or emotional harm?

Life is unfair. It is unfair to everyone. So isn't that fair?

Some physicists claim that time travel is impossible. Isn't living already travelling through time?

Would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate?


  1. "Would you rather be invincible from physical or emotional harm?"

    I would chose to be invincible from physical harm without a second thought. This would mean that sickness such as my numerous food allergies, colds, and even major things such as cancer would not be able to harm me. It would also mean that surfing, hiking, and even driving would be safe because even an accident could not cause damage to me. This would create such a carefree life that I feel it would be easier to live and do things with those around me. On the other hand, I feel that living a life without the possibility of emotional harm would result in the loss of positive emotions as well. In order to truly live, people need to open themselves up to those around them, and sadly, this can result in pain and heartbreak. However, the only sure way to not feel pain is to limit ones capacity to open up. This, in my opinion, would be a negative thing not positive. Also, when we feel emotional pain, I believe that that pain is what drives us to make different choices with our lives such as going to church and seeking a more meaningful relationship with family and friends. To me, this is what it means to truly be alive.

    1. Hey Janel, you brought up some really interesting points when you spoke about emotional harm. I too believe that without the possibility of emotional harm there would be no positive emotions. Life would seem rather boring because nothing would ever make you happy as you wouldn’t be able to compare “bad” times with “good” ones. I feel we need a balance of both in order for us to feel alive and make healthy decisions.

    2. Hey Jesse, that was exactly what I was trying to point out. Of course a life free of pain seems idea, but in my opinion it would not be as full of a life!

    3. Hey Janel, I also placed a lot of emphasis on emotional pain in my blog. I think that being invincible from both physical and emotional pain is a great thought. However, without emotional or physical pain, we would not know we are alive. The debate about physical and emotional pain is that physical pain can fade away, while emotional damage can be life long. For example, I would rather hit my toe on the corner of the bed than have someone I love tell me something that I can't forget.

      I also love the point that you mentioned about negativity and positivity. It would be difficult to hurt someone who is positive in everything. Someone who truly believes in their worth and capabilities is someone who is invincible. Nothing can harm them; I would rather be this type of person. The type of person who feels pain, but doesn't let it stop them.

    4. Hi Janel,
      I totally agree with you. As much as we hate crying or being emotional hurt, pain shapes us. Without pain we wouldn't be the people we are today. I also answered the same question and mentioned how pain helps us make changes.

      I would also rather be physically invincible. It's quite cool to be honest. We would be able to jump off cliff and mountains without even getting a scratch on our face. It sort of reminds me of super heroes.

  2. “Some physicists claim that time travel is impossible. Isn’t living already traveling through time?”

    Time travel may be considered impossible, but I believe living in the present should be considered a form of time travel. Every moment in the present provides us with an opportunity to change the future and . When you think about, simply living and watching time pass by is a form of time travel. We get to witness objects age, seasons change, and civilizations modernize. While it may not happen as fast as some would desire, the future ultimately displays itself for us to observe. However, while some physicists claim it to be impossible, others claim time travel may be possible. Some popular theories include the use of: Wormholes, Cosmic Strings, Black holes, and travelling at the speed of light. Of course, each of these theories have their problems and is why time travel remains utterly impracticable. There also exists the possibility of creating paradoxes through time travel, so maybe it isn’t all bad that we don’t have access to it. So while we may not have access to the past, we can still manipulate the present and hope our efforts provide us with the desired conclusion. The process may be slow, but we get the opportunity to witness the decisions we made throughout our lives resolve, and this is why I believe living in the present should be considered traveling through time.

    1. I totally agree with everything you said. When people think of time traveling it sounds bizarre but it if we do look closely at the big picture we can see that we are traveling into time. The future is unseen but everyday we do have a choice that will help us decided on what it is we want to achieve or do. I love how you stated "We get to witness objects age, seasons change, and civilizations modernize."

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Many find the concept of time travel bizarre, but I am glad you too can see that we are already traveling into it. While we cannot see into the future, we can watch over our choices and aim for a desired conclusion. We may not have as much control over time as some would want, but our actions can definitely affect the future. Thanks for the feedback and have a great day!

    4. I agree with your idea that living is time travel! I was born twenty years ago and can remember so many different "times" in my life. I also think that people can "time travel" into the past also by looking at history and reading books from different time periods. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this prompt! Hope to hear from you again soon!

  3. Is it true that hurt people hurt people?
    This question is a quite hard to answer because one cannot say all hurt people will hurt people even if it is physical or emotional hurt/pain. I do believe that at times the ones who are hurting bad do cause others to hurt (if that makes sense). For example, when seeing close friends or family members fighting an illness that may be terminal or can become terminal can cause anyone to suffer emotional hurt. I saw my aunt suffer immensely while fighting cancer and not only did it cause her pain but it also affected everyone who was close to her. My aunt Eva was hurting bad and it was painful to see her go through this but it hurt even more to have her push us away. After losing my aunt Eva to cancer I have volunteered to help at the Children’s Hospital in Madera (in which they accept interns for those who are looking into doing social work with children) and I have shadowed social workers who counsel parents and children with terminal illness. I have learned that many children and parents become delicate and vulnerable and will undergo depression with such heartbreaking news. Many kids who are hurting may feel that they did something wrong and may take out their anger on their parents or siblings. I’ve seen children who are hurt and scared lash out at their parents and will blame them for the situation they are in. Not just when it comes to illness but in other situations such as stressful moments the person who is hurting can cause others to push away and will simply target those who are around without even knowing. Remember to not take it personal and try to communicate. Communication is the key and may cause others to see closely how their actions can cause pain. I always tell the person who is going through pain and hurt that they are not alone and although many say it’s not good to admit you’re scared it sometimes does help the other person know.

    1. Hey Jeanette, I liked your approach on this topic of people hurting people. It is true that not all people will hurt others, and some may even do so without realizing or meaning to. I appreciate the example you gave about your aunt fighting cancer but she wasn’t the only one hurting because of it. It’s fascinating how the pain of some can affect others indirectly, I guess that’s what makes us human. Thanks for the share, and hope to hear more from you!

    2. Hey Jeanette, I really like the point that you made about hurt having a different meaning for everyone. For example, what hurts me emotionally may not hurt you at all. Some people are able to endure much more pain (physical and emotional) than others.

      Also, I agree that the ones who are hurting can sometimes cause others to hurt. Unfortunately, it is true that when some people hurt, they find peace by making others hurt as well. For example, some parents hurt financially and place tons of stress on their children whom have nothing to do with it. They do not realize that their negativity and stress emotionally hurts their little ones. Sometimes parents find peace through venting to their children, but they do not realize the damage that words can cause.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Claudia, I love how you stopped to define what a hurt person is. I would not have thought to define this but in truth, everyone probably has a different definition of what it means to be hurt. I think that given your definition of hurt people, I agrees with you that it is reasonable to conclude that those who have been hurt in turn hurt others. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  6. Is it true that hurt people hurt people?
    I think people that are hurt in any way such as emotionally, physically, or mentally are capable of hurting others. People that are hurt often struggle to overcome personal issues because they think everyone is against them and someone will not be able to help them. Some of the problems that can be causing someone to hurt another person emotionally or physically is having some type of substance abuse, depression, or anger issue. All of these factors are ways that people resent life and take it out on others. The people that care about them often can’t take care of them because they don’t know what to do or how to help that person. Furthermore, some people that are hurt can often resolve their problems by being alone or asking for help. Even though people who struggle seem to be doing okay, they can often show signs by expressing it or behaving in a certain way. It will be rare for them to ask for help because of shame or embarrassment of what others might think about them. Some of the ways I would try help someone overcome an issue is to ask that person if there is something they want to talk about. As a society, we have become private when it comes to talking about our personal struggles and problems, and this is causing people to develop more problems because they're keeping it to themselves. People that are struggling or are under a difficult situation can get the people that care about them and the only way to resolve this issues it to help and guide that person to overcome their struggles.

    1. Often, when people are “hurt”, they lose the understanding of what is wrong about that hurt. Somehow, they internalize and justify the behavior as something acceptable when it really isn’t. It’s not their fault. They should have never been exposed to such behavior, yet, in order to move on, they must compartmentalize the behavior until it becomes justified. They explain the hurt in ways that makes it acceptable. Unfortunately, this usually manifests into the exact behavior they once encountered. Regrettably, they are usually doing it to someone else. The cycles repeat. Thanks so much for sharing.

    2. Hi Clem, "hurt" is harming people and the people surrounding them. It is a vicious cycle and the only way it can be stopped is to get the appropriate help. Thanks for commenting back and giving me a different point of view about the behavior of people that are hurt.

    3. Hello Yesica. I really enjoyed reading your post. I found it very interesting that you included substance abuse with hurt. It really made me see people being hurt in a different perspective when they are trying to heal themselves with drug or alcohol. It is sad to say that people who turn to these alternatives not only hurt themselves but also those around them. I also agree that in order to fix this we need to learn to openly discuss issues that we are faced with and hopefully people won't turn to drugs and alcohol. Thanks for sharing!

    4. Hi Yesica,

      I like a lot of the points you made. I also want to point out that in the cases of depression or substance abuse, it definitely helps to reach out to a professional. It is far too easy for someone to harm someone in that position more, even if it is unintentional and they are trying to help. We have become a very private society, and it's unfortunate that a lot of people feel they can't reach out to others for help and instead turn to hurting others because they are having a hard time dealing with their own issues. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

  7. I think it is true that people are capable of hurting others both physically and emotionally. Although it would be a nice thought to be invincible from both physical and emotional harm, these sorts of feelings are what make us human. Physical pain is a sign that you are alive. Emotional pain makes you more empathetic towards others. Without physical pain we would never be able to distinguish the good and the bad. Life is unfair. To think that it is “fair” that life is unfair to everyone isn’t the type of mindset us individuals should have. Life is only unfair when you have a negative mindset. The fact that we are all breathing in this moment is enough in this life. Some physicists claim that time travel is impossible. Living could be considered traveling through time mentally, but not physically. In other words, time doesn’t really exist. I would see it more as traveling through life and learning from experiences.
    It is a tough decision to decide which I would rather have because both are essential to living a happy life. Since we only have one choice, I would have to say that I would rather have the ideal mate. Although an ideal job would have many benefits for a good life, none of that matters if emotionally you are not happy. In other words, I would rather have the ideal person by my side and have nothing, than have my ideal job with nobody by my side. I guess you can say I am more focused on emotional happiness than security.

    1. Hi Patricia,

      I hope you had a wonderful week. I love how you answered all the questions (if I'm not mistaken!) I absolutely love how you stated that "without physical pain, we would never be able to distinguish the good and the bad." I think that this works in both cases; both the emotional and physical. I also admire your honesty in that you would risk security for "emotional happiness." I think sometimes it is worth taking the sacrifice to be emotional happiness, because there is date, especially in Korea, where people are working in their ideal job but commit suicide because they are depressed and lonely.

    2. Hi Patricia, I appreciate all of your answers to these questions, For the most part, I think you’re spot on, especially when you mention that both physical pain and emotional pain are important for personal development. However, I would disagree with you on one point: from a scientific and technical standpoint, living is time traveling because you are seeing time progress each second that you are alive.

  8. Would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate?
    We may have the perfect job, highest pay, nicest car, or the biggest house. When I was younger, I dreamt about having all these nice materialistic things in my life. I wanted to become a teacher with high pay and benefits so I can live this lifestyle. Many people work hard to get where they are or want to become. We have this whole idea thought out about what kind of job we want. As life goes on, plans may change. You FINALLY get the job you always wanted, but then it becomes something that you didn't really want or didn't work out as expected. You worked so hard to get what you wanted, but you realize it is not something you want for the rest of your life. You may get tiresome or want to retire early.
    I would choose to have my ideal mate, because I would want to be happy spending the rest of my life with them. Even though, life may become difficult; you can always count on them to be there. With an ideal job, you may have stability in finances and get everything you may want. With an ideal mate, it will be nice to know you have someone to share your life with. Nothing is perfect in this life, but you can at least be happy sharing it with someone else.

    Sorry, I might just be a tad fanatic for love stories, movies, etc. :)

    1. Brittany,

      I agree with what you said! I also think that having you ideal job without an ideal mate wouldn't be as satisfactory as some may think. Having nice things is great, but I agree that you need someone to share it with. Otherwise, it can become less interesting. Good points! Also, I'm a fan of romance as well, so no shame in that. :)

    2. Brittany, I completely agree with you. I too chose to write my blog entry on this question and also picked having an ideal mate. What good do materialistic things do if you do not have someone to share your happiness that with? I definitely agree with all the points you made.

    3. Hi Brittany,

      You are not alone with choosing the ideal mate. I personally would choose the ideal mate in a heart beat. You're completely right, the ideal job will get you all the material things in life, but it won't get you happiness. When I was growing up I would always say I wanted a job that paid a lot so I can buy all the luxuries in the world, but now that I am older my mindset has changed. The greatest thing I want in life is a huge family of my own with my soul mate. I want to be incredibly happy and enjoy growing old with my mate. We may not have the best job in the entire world, but at least when we get home we will have the best mate and family waiting for us every day.

    4. Hello Brittany,
      I would also choose having the perfect mate over having the ideal career. Your ideal mate could always keep you happy with the love you share together as oppose to the materialistic things in life.

    5. Hi Brittany,

      I totally agree with you. I also choose having the ideal mate. At the end of the day all the materialist things are worth nothing. What good is having so many material items if you alone and have no one to share it with? I would not what that lifestyle. I want to have someone I love to spend my life with and be there for each other. Very good post.

  9. Would you rather be invincible from physical or emotional harm?

    I would definitely rather be invincible from emotional harm. As much as I hate physical pain that can last for several days, I try to remember it won’t last forever. I got my wisdom teeth taken out last year, and I swear it was the worst physical pain I feel like I’ve ever gone through in my life. Everyone told me it would only last for a couple of days, but it lasted a little over a week for me. I couldn’t sleep hardly at all for 5 days because the pain was at its worst when I tried to sleep. Even looking back on that, I would still rather be invincible from emotional harm. That pain can hurt extremely bad, and in the moment I felt like it was never going to end, but it did and I’m never going to feel that pain again. When it comes to emotional harm, that pain can continue to hurt you even after the initial emotional harm. I was in a relationship in high school that was so emotionally draining, many people began to ask me if I was depressed. Once I realized how harmful that relationship was, I let it go. There are still times where the emotional pain endured during that relationship hurts. It has affected whether or not I trust someone, and how easily I let someone into my life. I’m sure many people have experienced a relationship like this and can agree with that. Of course, it’s become less and less hurtful now that I’m older and I can look back on it as a learning experience. What I’m trying to say is that a lot of time emotional harm can affect your life, and you can still feel pain years later while physical pain usually won’t last forever so I would rather be invincible from the pain that can potentially have long term effects.

    1. Hi Carly,

      I hope you are having a wonderful week. I too have to agree that I would want to be invincible from emotional harm. I think, just as you stated, that physical pain has an eventual ending. What is most interesting, and I wonder, would be what people with dementia, that can not remember in general, would feel?

    2. Hi Carly,

      Thanks for sharing your personal stories, I really enjoyed them. I have to agree with you, I would rather be invincible from emotional harm. I also had my wisdom down out last summer. It was the worst pain ever! I feel like as humans we can withstand these kind of pain even though it last only a little while. Whereas, emotional pain can cause you to cry, be distressed, heartbroken, etc. Emotional pain can cause one to have this pain for a very long time. I feel like physical pain does not give you much of a learning experience, but emotional pain does. Just like you mentioned about your relationship in the past. It does hurt when someone hurts you. Our hearts become guarded and it can be painful to let someone else in. I enjoyed reading your posts and I can definitely relate. Hope you have a great weekend!

    3. Mike,

      That would be very interesting to see how it would affect those with dementia! I can't imagine what it would be like.


      I like what you said about how we can withstand physical pain. Often times we can't withstand emotional pain and people face depression, and some people commit suicide. And I certainly agree that we can learn from emotional pain and not so much physical pain.

    4. Hi Carly,

      I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree with you we can do our best to overcome physical pain but emotional pain is always worse.

      I also had my wisdom teeth extracted about two years ago, however, I did not think it was as bad as I expected. I didn't get swollen nor was I in horrible pain. The pain killers really helped. For some reason, I think the worse pain I have been in was when I first got my braces. Worst pain in my life!

  10. Time travel. Now, I've successfully worked out the calculations, and, aside from the entropy factor (sec/min/hour/day/year/etc.) which, increases as time travel increases (travel distance/length trip), it wasn't as chaotic as calculations for food. As you’re reading this, I’m time traveling. I’m only able to write you this note; amazingly-as I still have phone reception. Perhaps, I haven't quite broken the boundary of 1AU, but am assured I'm close. I wish all you well, see some of you alive when I return, the others, I wish you a fine funeral.

    What would a time traveling adventure say?

    Yes, it’s true. We are time traveling slowly. Not, like the photons of light that reach us from distant stars traveling at the speed of light (300, 000 m/s). Even at that speed, it takes billions of years for the distant stars light to make it to Earth. So, how far would you go? If time travel was possible, how far would you want to travel?

    Unlike others, I do not wish to spend my days as Dr. Who. If time travel became available, I don’t want to be traveling around the cosmos fighting the good fight (or yeah, I watch it…and, sometimes it’s a comedic errors of a fight).

    I want to perfect time I have right now. What am I going to do with extra time?

    I think, it’s much better to time travel as we gaze at the stars. Let us step back in time, learn from the past, and use all that knowledge to shape the future. And in time, we’ll prepare ourselves for future travels. A travel, not so prone to our humanistic fallacies we still hold on to today.

    1. Hi Clem, I hope you are having a wonderful week. Based on your blog, I think that perhaps time travel is not a theory, but a true moment (future or past) that cannot be stopped or changed. Time travel is the moment that occurs and passes every second without us realizing it. I agree with you, it is better to enjoy “time travel as we gaze at the stars”, instead of searching for new ways and inventing new technology to take us to time traveling, perhaps we should enjoy every moment of our lives. Thanks for sharing your post, in a way it made me realize that time stops for no one.

    2. Thanks Yesica.

      I was in Bio-Chem lab today as we conducted enzyme kinetics and the subject of time travel came up. We were waiting for a reaction to progress and of course, as we do, wishing it would run faster. Then, my lab partner Nav explained, "we are moving forward in the reaction, its just this is the fastest it can go." So, we are time traveling, but for now, this is as fast as we can go. But, slow down. Don't rush it. AS soon, as time travel is invented, we have to start worrying about the past being more screwed up than it is. Have a great week.

    3. Hi Clem, Very interesting read! I love how mention that looking up at the stars is like your own personal time machine. I think that in order to think of time travel more clearly, the definition should be “physically traveling to another time that you would not normally see in your lifetime.” (I added the word “physically” because if I hadn’t, reading a book could technically be considered time traveling.) The simple definition “traveling through time” leaves too much open to interpretation.

  11. Would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate?

    I feel that there are a lot of factors that go into an ideal mate. They have to be a certain race, or have to have a certain personality, or certain liking. It is all very subjective, and in a busy time, especially for students, all those factors can be hard to find. However some of those factors can be combined in an ideal environment. By that, I mean that if a person gets to have their ideal job then the people that he, or she, is surrounded with, there is bound to be that person’s ideal mate. In general, I think my viewpoint stems off a more traditional way of finding the “ideal mate.” Because the question is specifically addressed to me, I plan on making sure that I am well off and can provide for myself and then think about whether or not I want to join my hand in marriage. To me, I wouldn’t want to burden my wife with monetary concerns and whether or not her future is stable with me. I certainly do not think and argue that my way is the “ideal” way because I certainly don’t think that my perspective is the way for everyone. There can be people that are well off and doing fine monetarily because of their parents or they are in a high-paying job. Again, the question was specifically addressed as an opinion piece and I would choose to have an ideal job, rather than an ideal mate.

    1. Hi Mike,
      I completely agree with your opinion about finding your ideal mate in the workplace. I think this happens because two human beings share a common interest in their work field. For example, I know a married couple who are both teachers and another couple who are both engineers working in the same business.
      You are exactly right. This is your opinion and your ideal way of thinking.

  12. Would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate?

    I think if people were randomly asked this question, it would be hard for most of them to make a decision right away. In my case, I would not even second guess my answer as I immediately know that I would rather have an ideal mate. I feel like having an ideal job is great and of course it comes with financial security but it will not make me happy. I could have a great job position but I feel like I would always want to move up and not stay where I am. Having an ideal mate is completely different. Money can buy you materialistic things but it cannot love, support and care for you like a significant other would. This option was easy for me because I will soon marry my fiancé who in my eyes is my ideal mate. There are times where I am stressed, ill, and have even been depressed but he has always been able to get me out of whatever bad situation I am going through. I think it is very important for people to be able to have that in their significant other. People need to know that no matter what may be happening, they have someone they can go back home to that will be there for them. Genuine love is not easy to find so I would definitely go with the option of having my ideal mate. Luckily, I already found mine.

    1. Hi Jazmin, I hope you are having a wonderful week. Based on your blog, I think that having the ideal mate is the best option for some of us. Having our soul mate will mean that we will never know if there would be another opportunity with that special person. An ideal job can only take us so far, and it will never provide us with unconditional love or care like our ideal mate. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading your post, it was wonderful. I guess some things are better to have than never, and love is certainly one of them.

    2. Hi Jazmin,

      I am glad we are on the same page about choosing the ideal mate instead of an ideal job! I agree with the points you made, money definitely cannot buy you happiness, love, or joy that your ideal mate brings you. Although, an ideal job may meet our financial needs it will truly not make us happy in the end. An ideal job can make you stressed, tiresome, and make you want to retire early. After you retire, there is nothing else to turn to. Your ideal mate would help you through life troubles or like you mentioned turn a bad situation into a good one. I too, have my boyfriend and wouldn't trade him for all the money in the world. I am glad you found yours also and congrats on getting married! Hope you have a great weekend!

    3. Hello Yesica. Thank you, I hope you are having a wonderful week as well. I definitely agree with what you said about a job only taking us so far. It really does not even come close to having someone who will be there for you.

      Hi Brittany, I agree! Even if the job that we have is the job of our dreams, we will still have bad days and being able to discuss your bad days with you ideal mate can turn your day around. Thank you! I hope you have a great weekend as well! :)

    4. Hi Jazmin,

      I would have to say I completely agree with you. Money is great but happiness is what allows us to have a fulfilled life. I that two heads are better than one and you having your ideal mate, he knows your dreams and aspirations so he will help you accomplish them, and doing it together is better in the long run. Congrats on your engagement by the way.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Would you rather be invincible from physical or emotional harm?

    I really like this question. After I read the question it made me think of a super hero type human; this question also made me chuckle. I would rather be invincible to physical harm than emotional harm. Nothing good comes out of being physically hurt. If you walk into a corner wall and hit your toe it would cause physical harm and I personally hate the feeling of my toe hitting a wall. Being invincible from anything physical would mean no more hurting cuts and bruises, being sick, or simply being in an accident. Life would be so much more fun if we wouldn’t be physically hurt. We would be able to go skydiving without the parachutes and not get physically hurt. We would be human super heroes, but without the flying and amazing powers.

    I wouldn’t want to be invincible to emotional harm because pain is what teaches us from our mistakes. Without emotional pain I don’t think we would evolve as human beings. Emotional pain allows us to change something or sometimes ourselves. It allows us to become a better person. In some cases pain might even drive someone to be successful and prove people who doubted them wrong. If we were invincible to emotional pain we would never care if someone disrespected us or vise versa. Everyone would be jerks to be honest. We would insult one another without even feeling it being incorrect. I personally hate feeling emotional harm, but it’s shaped me into the person I am today and motivated me to be better than yesterday.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I truly enjoyed reading what you about emotional harm. It is probably the worst type of pain anyone can endure, but sometimes it is for the better. It makes us stronger and wakes up to make a change.

  15. Would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate?

    Your soul mate or career of your dreams, it is a tough one. If I had to choose between the two I would choose my career. I would choose it over my soul mate because through the career of my dreams I would meet my soul mate. Is that considered cheating? The key is not to give up your work or studies, or devote every desire to please another, but to love alike, any person or thing that is within your life. Balance is important to maintain happiness within your life and loved one.
    Now, if I truly had to choose between the two, I would choose to meet my soul mate. I believe that the real source of happiness is true love.
    The question puzzled me a bit, so I asked several of my friends to also choose between the two. The outcome was a given, three out of the four said they would choose to find their soul mate versus having their ideal job. My friend who chose to her career over her soul mate said, who needs someone when you can make your dreams come true?” She had a point, and maybe finding a soul mate is not what everyone wants or what will make them happy. And maybe for some happiness does not come when you meet your loved one, but what you do or can do for others. Still, I believe that in the long run, success and money are not the source towards happiness.

  16. Life is unfair. It is unfair to everyone. So isn't that fair?

    I guess when it is described like that then life seems fairly unfair…
    Everyone runs into obstacles throughout their life that seem “unfair”. But, unfair to who? I think people use the word unfair when something happens to them specifically. If the same thing happened to someone else then we see it as unlucky instead. “Unfair” things happen to everyone everyday and because we are mostly worried about ourselves we think we tend to have a more dramatic reaction because well, it’s ourselves. What does fairness even mean? I think that’s another issue with the question because we all have a different idea what fair really means. And again, as humans, we see “fair” as whenever we are satisfied with what we have ourselves. So as long as we see someone with more than what we have, or what we want, then life will always be unfair.

    1. Hi Maegan,

      I liked the statement you made "as humans, we see “fair” as whenever we are satisfied with what we have ourselves. So as long as we see someone with more than what we have, or what we want, then life will always be unfair." With this I couldn't have said it better myself. I think this has a lot to do with us wanting instant gratification and when we don't get it, our lives are over. Its bad, but sadly that's what we are use to.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. you make a very valid point. I like the way you describe this.

    4. Hello Shannon,

      You are absolutely right, when we see people with more than what we have, then we think life is unfair. Yet, life is meant to be unfair to everyone even the rich people have unfairness in their life because that's the point of living. In order for us to value things or goals we need to work for them that is why when we don't have the things/goals it seems unfair. So that when we do achieve them our hard work seems worth it and makes it fair adding value to our life.

  17. Would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate?

    If I had to choose between having my ideal job or ideal mate I would choose to be with my ideal mate. To begin with, I would have to live with and spend time with my mate. Even if I hated my job I would be able to clock out and leave work until the next work day. I can leave my work at work, and forget about it while I’m home. I feel like I could certainly work a job I’m not passionate about or even like but there is no way I would be able to spend my life with someone that I don’t get along with. When I’m home I like to relax and just spend time with my family. I want to travel and just have fun with my future husband. I do not think I would be a happy person overall if I was unhappy with my partner. I understand relationships are not always perfect but that’s okay. Overall, I think a job is a job no matter what. The house, the cars, all of that is materialistic and will come and go. Family will always come first. In order to have a happy healthy family it all starts with a healthy relationship between partners. In conclusion, I would rather have an ideal mate than an ideal job.

    1. Hi Carolina
      I also chose the same as you. I think that the source behind happiness is spending time with your loved one regardless how financially stable a person is. Money and materials make a person comfortable, but it does not make them happy.

  18. Is it true that hurt people hurt people?

    Based on person experience, I would say yes, hurt people hurt people. Why, is another question to think about? When you interact with someone who has been hurt no matter the circumstances you will always get a different reaction then if you would have encountered that person before life experiences. For example children are not skeptics of the world or of other humans that’s why you have to continue to reinforce topics to them like: don’t talk to strangers. Once that child has had continued exposure to this idea, they grow up not speaking to strangers. Why? Because this is what they are taught, and what they have seen. So couldn’t this be the same idea with hurting people. If you have been hurt and that’s what was done or told to you, you are going to reinforce this behavior, until you see the error in your ways and correct it.
    Another example of this being shown is the show CATFISH on MTV. Now on this show there are some true love stories, but most of the show is based on hurt or damaged people hiding behind alternative identities, that end up hurting others. Bases on their experiences they cannot be themselves. The cycle of hurting one another is not healthy, and I feel that we should be able to get across messages to each other without causing turmoil. Rather it be thinking before we speak or not leading people on for our personal gain, these are selfless acts to make the world a better place.

  19. Hi Shannon, I enjoyed reading your post! :)
    I especially agree with your description of how hurt people will give a different reaction to certain situations. In relationships for example, someone who had been hurt before becomes very protective of their feelings because they are afraid of being hurt again. And like you said, hurt people are afraid to be themselves because sadly, they fear it might not be enough.

  20. Would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate?

    I’ve actually answered this question a few times before, both to myself and to others. My answer is the same every time: I would rather have my ideal job. I hope to be a surgeon someday, and I’ve worked hard these past few years to make sure I get there. I think about what I want my life to be like in 10 years, and I can’t picture myself as being anything other than a doctor. Even though there are other careers that I would be happy with, I still hold the belief that I will feel like something is missing if I am not a doctor and without a career in medicine.

    In my opinion, there is no such thing as an ideal mate. You can find someone who fits every definition of the “perfect man” or the “perfect woman,” and I would be willing to bet that there will be a quality they have that doesn’t quite fit with you. I am currently with someone who has some interests and qualities that are different from my own, but it is the best relationship I’ve been in. Therefore, the person who is your ideal mate may not be the same as your best mate.

    1. I liked your point of view. I hope you get your ideal job someday!

  21. Would you rather be invincible from physical or emotional harm?

    I would pick to be invincible from emotional harm because you can avoid physical harm and keep yourself from getting hurt, but when it comes to emotional pain it cannot be avoided. People are constantly hurting other people with their words or leaving your life and you can not avoid how that is going to make you feel. I think that emotional pain is a lot more crippling than physical pain. You can deal with physical pain but when it comes to emotional pain you have to deal with it. You can not mask the way that something makes you feel.

    1. Hello Tori,

      You make a really good point unfortunately I would have to disagree with you. I would rather suffer from emotional pain then from physical pain. Sometimes physical pain is unavoidable due to accidents or unexpected illnesses. And these illnesses can be terminating. There might be medicine or therapy's to help out with the pain but sometimes these do not help. People however have a higher possibility of coming back from emotional harm. It might take a long time but with the help of therapy, medicine, loved ones and time most people seem to recover. I know losing a loved one, experiencing a breakup or life struggles can lead people to fall into massive depression, I have personally been there and know what it feels like but with the help of my loved ones and my personal strength I was able to get back up and continue with my life.

  22. This is a tricky question however I would rather have my ideal mate. This is because in my opinion even your ideal job can bring times of conflict and struggle and if you have your ideal mate by your side your life will be easier to handle. Having that life long relationship you always dreamed of will take off some stress from your daily life. Life is full of ups and downs that is why it would be perfect to have the person you love be understanding and supporting. I am personally scared of marrying the wrong person and later having to go through a divorce. I feel that it would be really painful for myself and children. So knowing for sure that the person you love is your ideal mate gives you that assurance and confidence needed to succeed in life. Also At this point in my life I don’t know what my ideal job would be I used to think I wanted to be a second or third grade teacher but I recently began working in a preschool and I kind of changed my mind. I don’t think I want to be a teacher anymore, but one thing I know for sure I want to work with children and families since I am a CAFS major. I would like to maybe work with disadvantaged teens and inform them about all the government assistance offered to them to improve their lifestyle, go to college and have a successful future. I don’t know if this would be my ideal job, but I do know the qualities that I would look for in my ideal mate. I would like my ideal mate to be respectful, loyal, loving, supportive, understanding and helpful and I would like to have these qualities for a life time not just for a few years because with the presence of another person it is easier to get through the rough moments in life and keep moving forward. This is why I would rather have my ideal mate over my ideal job.
