Weekly work...

These are time sensitive. You do not receive credit if you write them after the deadline each week.

First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.

Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.

Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.'

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Hi there,
Hopefully you are now fully acquainted with the blog and getting into the rhythm of the course.
I now post our blog. It has some due dates and assignment descriptions...enjoy!
As always, if you have any questions about it, email me at bschmoll@csub.edu.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
The Tortilla Curtain by TC Boyle





BLOG: Each week there will be a question on the blog. You will write at least 250 words(a long and brilliant paragraph) in response to that question. You must also respond to your classmates’ writing at least twice(with at least a one sentence response) each week. The best thing to do is to write your response to the blog prompt, respond to someone else’s blog entry, and then wait a few hours or a day before coming back to see what others have said about your blog entry. Then, respond to that. The more you write, the better. Each week, I will chime in at least once(and usually more) with my own response. Bu remember, this is NON GRADED WRITING. Studies have made it very clear that the more you write in non-judged ways, the better your writing becomes. So simply write!

 WRITING ABOUT WHAT YOU READ:  After you read each week’s selection, you will respond to a question about the reading. These should also be about 250 words. You do not need to respond to other’s work in this area. However, you may find someone else’s work so interesting that you want to respond.

RESTAURANT REVIEW: THIS IS OUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT. Go to any restaurant in town. As you eat, take notes on the ambiance, the food, and the service. You may choose any restaurant (from Taco Bell to Café Med), but you should use this writing assignment to explore your descriptive capabilities. Use sound, touch, taste, smell, and the look of the food and surroundings. The review should be approximately three pages(typed, double-spaced) in length. You may use the first-person in this review. Again, I will email you this assignment separately, but you might start thinking now about which restaurant you want to try.

TIPPING POINT FINAL DRAFT: (30%) For this assignment, you will email me the final draft copy of your essay. THIS IS FINAL ESSAY OF THE COURSE, SO DO NOT RUSH OUT AND START IT NOW!
The essay should be attached as a Microsoft Word document and should be 4 pages in length, double spaced.
There are two essay topics to choose from.
Write a 4 page double spaced essay on one of the following topics:
1. How might one or more of the ideas in the book The Tipping Point apply to your chosen profession?
2. Locate a trend [social, political, cultural, other] that seems to exhibit a "tipping point" phenomenon. Provide a brief explanation of why you think this phenomenon meets Gladwell's three criteria for tipping point phenomenon: a) contagiousness b) little causes having big effects c) not gradual but dramatic change.
We will take this in class essay during our face to face meeting at CSUB. This is our one mandatory meeting. Since this course satisfies the GWAR, you must pass one in class essay to be eligible to pass the course. That essay will be given during our face to face meeting. If you do not pass this assignment, you can come to my office to take a “demand” essay.  This essay will be written about the book TORTILLA CURTAIN . We will discuss this in detail as we approach that date.

Passing Grade Requirement: Students must earn a grade of C or higher in this course to satisfy the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR). In addition, this course can fulfill the GWAR only if a student has completed 90 or more quarter units of college work before taking it.
To be eligible for a C in English 305, students must earn a C or higher on at least one in-class writing assignment and a C average on all other course assignments. Since this is an online class, in-class writing assignments may be given at the first meeting or the last.
English 305 Waiting List/Drop Policy Statement
Students enrolled in English 305 must attend the first Saturday orientation session. Students who miss this session will be dropped so that other students may add the course. There is no make-up orientation session.
Students who wish to add the course once the class is full can contact the instructor before the quarter begins and ask to be put on a waiting list. These students must attend the first Saturday session to remain eligible for a seat, and these students can only be added if a spot in the class becomes available.
Course Description:
An online/hybrid course in effective expository writing. Emphasis on writing as a process. This course counts toward the Teacher Preparation programs in English, Liberal Studies, and Child Development but does not count toward the major or minor. Fulfills the GWAR.
Course Learning Outcomes
Students in GWAR courses should advance their mastery of the following learning outcomes:
Goal 1:  Reading Skills
Objective 1:   Analyze a rhetorical situation (purpose, audience, tone) and how a writer’s rhetorical choices (e.g. bias, rhetorical modes, syntax, diction) inform a text.
Objective 2:   Analyze a text’s structure and conventional parts (introduction, thesis, main ideas, body paragraphs, conclusion), and how the parts work together.
Objective 3:   Analyze a text’s logic and reasoning.
Objective 4:   Effectively critique the effectiveness of a writer’s rhetorical choices, organization, and logic.
Goal 2:  Writing Skills
   Objective 1:   Effectively adapt the writing process to various rhetorical situations, anticipating the needs of purpose and audience.
   Objective 2:   Analyze more complex and/or abstract writing prompts, and stay on task.
   Objective 3:   Create effective thesis statements, and use a variety of appropriate and compelling rhetorical strategies to support the thesis.
   Objective 4:   Effectively structure essays, evaluating how the parts work together to create meaning.
   Objective 5:   Avoid logical fallacies, and use precise logical reasoning to develop essays.
   Objective 6:   Use correct and college-level, discourse-appropriate syntax, diction, grammar, and mechanics.
Goal 3:  Research Skills
   Objective 1:   Effectively use summary, paraphrase, and direct quotes to smoothly synthesize sources into own writing.
   Objective 2:   Master a documentation style, and avoid plagiarism.   

   Objective 3:   Use research methods to find reputable sources.

Writing Requirements
Assignments will gradually increase in difficulty, and each assignment will include both a rough draft and a final essay. Writing assignments may be distributed as follows:
● at least one in-class assignment, during the first or last meeting
● writing to inform
● writing to amuse or move the reader emotionally
● writing to persuade
● writing to analyze literature and/or art
Students will be required to participate in peer revision and discussion on a blog set up exclusively for this class.
This week I hope you will be able to effectively adapt the writing process to various rhetorical situations, anticipating the needs of purpose and audience. (Goal 2, Objective 1)
This week I hope you will be able to analyze a rhetorical situation (purpose, audience, tone) and how a writer’s rhetorical choices (e.g. bias, rhetorical modes, syntax, diction) inform a text. (Goal 1, Objective 1)
This week I hope you will be able to effectively structure essays, evaluating how the parts work together to create meaning. (Goal 2, Objective 4)
This week I hope you will be able to avoid logical fallacies, and use precise logical reasoning to develop essays. (Goal 2, Objective 5)
This week I hope you will be able to use correct and college-level, discourse-appropriate syntax, diction, grammar, and mechanics. (Goal 2, Objective 6)
This week I hope you will be able to analyze a text’s structure and conventional parts (introduction, thesis, main ideas, body paragraphs, conclusion), and how the parts work together. (Goal 1, Objective 2)
This week I hope you will be able to analyze a text’s logic and reasoning. (Goal 1, Objective 3)
This week I hope you will be able to effectively use summary, paraphrase, and direct quotes to smoothly synthesize sources into own writing. (Goal 3, Objective 1)
This week I hope you will be able to master a documentation style, and avoid plagiarism. (Goal 3, Objective 2) and Use research methods to find reputable sources. (Goal 3, Objective 3)

This week I hope you will be able to create effective thesis statements, and use a variety of appropriate and compelling rhetorical strategies to support the thesis. (Goal 2, Objective 3)

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