Weekly work...

These are time sensitive. You do not receive credit if you write them after the deadline each week.

First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.

Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.

Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.'

Sunday, October 11, 2015


How does it change a country to have so many immigrants? Is the U.S. different for having been born of immigrants and then peopled by Irish in the 1840s, Germans in the 1880s, Chinese and Japanese in the 1890s, Italians in the early 1900s, and so on? How is a nation different after so much immigration?


  1. A nation is different by the qualities immigrants bring with them. These qualities include a workforce –as well as intellectuals, artists, educators, politicians, entertainers, teachers and students. A nation is different by the greatest of qualities immigrants bring, their difference.

    There is nothing wrong with immigrants being a labor source. I don’t know if, at the time of an increase of immigrants, if they can reach a level where demand for work causes selectivity with employers, I’m sure it does. Thus reducing wages because they have a lager employee pool to choose from but I think that would be only for certain careers.

    I think during the 1840 to 1900’s the nation is at such a rate of industrial growth that the increase in immigrants was absorbed well. This until maybe the industry had a reduced demand for products and/or industry was getting more efficient, thus the needed for labor is less. At that point, it tips drastically the other way and there is a burden on a social-economic scale. Or maybe not.

    Immigrants bring so much more than tiny pockets and strong backs. It’s a myth that immigrants don’t spend what they earn in the place they earn it. Instead, they send it all home? They buy phones, clothes, food, they pay rent, taxes, and yes money goes home to struggling relatives if that’s needed. Others do not. Others buy cars and big televisions and a whole lot of crap. The problem is most of the stuff immigrants buy is not made by the U.S. or the immigrants. The gain, the profit, is going overseas. Mowing your lawn is not a commodity. And if you are paying someone to do it, then you better be making a commodity or the cycle just keeps sending money away from a system that needs it desperately. Instead, the only profit back into the system are storage units.They are everywhere. You need it?

    No, immigrants are additions to society not burdens. We need them and they need us. If we were smart we could unionize a workforce and drive a higher wage. Ha Ha…yes…that was a joke. But, not to César Chavez. But driving up the minimum wage is not a quick fix for the workforce. Some wage increases come with the loss of social programs that assist in food and child care. Other words, never a simple answer.

    Immigrants become teachers, and lawyers, and business owners; they find happiness here, a family. They come to bake sales and church and soccer practice and pee-wee football. And still some, some are hidden away, afraid to join society, afraid of being sent back home, home to a life that was not theirs. They couldn’t stay there, not in order to live. Live and be fruitful. Immigrants are not condemned people, born into a nation of poverty. We once were nomads. We traveled to areas of bloom and plenty. Would you force yourself to stay shackled to poverty? I wouldn't.

    Our nation grows, and I believe immigrants, it grows much better.

    Signed, Clem (Immigrant Long Removed)

    1. Hi Clem,
      I really enjoyed reading your post; it was interesting that you point out the necessities and the contributions that immigrants provide to the United States. I agree with your point of view, immigrants come to the U.S and work for the things they have. Immigrant's work hard, in order to have a better life that was not possible to accomplish in their native country. Immigrants contribute to the economy of the U.S by purchasing the American goods that this country provides. I definitely agree, “Mowing your lawn is not a commodity”, but a necessity for immigrants in order to support themselves and their families.

    2. Thanks Yesica,

      It just seems odd that people would come to this country and leave friends and family back home, if that country had promises for a future. I maybe bias because my wife came to this country to work and provide for her family back in the Philippines. The jobs are available, for them and us. If they don't exist we must create them. We will benefit as a nation.

  2. The United States was built by immigrants. Throughout generations, the United States became economically powerful due to the contributions of immigrants. Many of the contributions that immigrants have provided for the U.S economy are creating their own jobs, working as housekeepers, taxi drivers, construction labors, and have also increased the demands for local good. The United States is different from the rest of the world because we have more immigrants than any country. As immigrants, we are all part of making a change by contributing to the country, by building more companies, schools, stores, and roads. As our country receives more immigrants through the years the U.S has grown and has increased demands for better technology, education, and medicine than any other country. New immigrants that come to the U.S provide their best in technology, science and new innovations that contribute the economy of the country. After so much immigration, the U.S is still strong and powerful. The U.S has a large number of immigrants because it is a nation that was built by different races and cultures. These different races and cultures continue to contribute every day to the United States through hard work, dedication, and determination.Despite the difficulties that many immigrants face when coming to a new country, immigrants are willing to work hard and overcome the difficulties that come their way. People can argue that the U.S has changed, but it has changed for the better because this is a country of prospect and where dreams come true.

    1. Hi Yesica!
      I hope you had a wonderful week!
      I definitely agree that America is a "country of prospect and where dreams come true." Unfortunately, for some immigrants, their dreams are cut short due to the negativity and exclusivity of the work force. I believe as students, it's important to be conscience about our futures and provide a better outcome to families that work hard, whether they might be immigrants are not. It's essential that, as students, we remind ourselves that we contribute to the betterment of America and always try to advocate for one another.

    2. Hello Yesica!
      I really like the point that you made when you stated that immigrants have provided for this country as they have created their own businesses. I also agree that this country is what it is this day due to the diversity in cultures. There are some who will only focus on the negative but ultimately immigrants have made it possible for positive outcomes as well.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hey Yesica, it was interesting to read the contributions immigrants made for the U.S.while the media focuses mainly on their negative aspects. I’m glad you wrote about that too because it’s something that really stood out for me when I was reading on the subject. These people do indeed influence this nation, but I think it’s for the better.

    5. Yesica, I like hope you pointed out that immigrants bring new opportunities and in the past have led to economic success. I think that a lot of people fear immigration now because of the false idea that new people means new problems. Although this may be true in some sense, America has not only survived but thrived as each new wave of immigrants come into our land of opportunity. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, and I hope to hear from you soon!

    6. Immigration is very controversial topic. I enjoyed reading you blog because most usually bring out the negative aspects of immigration. I agree with you, The immigration wave brings on new ideas.

    7. Hi Yesica,

      I really enjoyed reading your post. You had very good points. Immigrates do bring good things to offer to the United States but sadly, its not always seen that way.

  3. I think a country does eventually change whenever the amount of immigrants increases. Immigrants can bring a variety of customs and traditions that, with time, become part of the country’s society. With such a diversity of people coming to this country throughout the years, such as the Irish, Germans, Italians and Chinese, it is only natural we as a country adopt a few of their customs such as holidays. So as the years went by, we eventually became a melting pot of cultures combining elements from each one.
    I believe they are more of a benefit to society than the burden the media makes them out to be. These people simply want an opportunity to better their life. In fact, we might actually need them more than they need us.They provide the nation with a workforce that is willing to do the harder jobs such as farming and agriculture. People argue that immigrants are taking their jobs, but you hardly ever see nonimmigrants working in the fields by choice.
    These people find happiness living here, and taking that away from them is barbaric. Living in constant fear of being sent back home is no way to live. They chose to make a change in their lives and are willing to do the work, so I see no real reason to punish them for it. The descendants of the majority of people living here were once immigrants and were given a chance, and I believe we should continue to do so. They are normal people that just want a chance to succeed in life, and it’s thanks to the contribution of immigrants that our nation is the way it is now.

    1. Hi Jesse,
      I hope you're having a wonderful week and wonderful quarter!
      I loved the way you expressed your idea on America becoming a "melting pot of cultures." That is absolutely true. Our nation is founded upon principles from many different cultures. Our legal system, Constitution, etc. might have originated from European laws, but it was by different values, diverse values, that America is what it is today.

    2. Hi Mike, it is absolutely true that our nation was founded upon principles from many different cultures. I like the list you provided and completely agree that certain elements of our legal system and Constitution originated from European laws. Americans did, however, incorporate different and diverse values into those laws to make them what they are now. It’s this fusion of immigrant principles with this country’s that make this nation so great and worth living in.

    3. Well put Jesse,

      The unappreciated jobs, they do so many, and other jobs as well. So many specialty shops catering to the different ethnicity's, these are dreams being fulfilled as well. Many of those businesses are creating jobs right here for young people and old alike. The better life, simply put. I like how you put that. We are a nation of changing attitudes and we, as the educated, must not let political agendas and the media put us in fear of people. That’s all they and we are is people. Thanks so much for your post.

    4. Hi Jesse, I agree that media usually addresses the immigration topic in a negative ways. Most of these immigrant families come to the United States for a better life for their families.

  4. Being a philosopher major, this is a very interesting and fun question for me. It is a question that does not have a correct answer. It is a question that can be answered with many differing viewpoints. A country with many immigrants changes the lifestyle and look of the country. America is a nation that was founded upon by different immigrant values. With Native Americans, Europeans, Chinese, and other people, there were always different notions of the “correct” lifestyle. I think everyone can agree that what the Americans did to the Native Americans to claim dominance was an atrocity. However, at the time, that notion was seen as correct to the majority of Americans. There was also a time when many civilians thought that there should be a limit to accepting immigrants from Europe and Asia. Whether the intention was negative or positive, the result is the same. Immigrants were deciding how they wanted their nation to run. Of course the families that had lived in America for long periods of time would argue that they were not immigrants, their lineage comes from people that stepped on North American soil at one point in time. My answer to this question is simple. The U.S. is different for having been born of immigrants. It is a positive attribute. With so many different backgrounds and notions of right and wrong, it just goes to show how diverse our nation is. Our nation is known for diversity. This might be the “hot-topic” of the week, but America is a nation that is known for the “everyone can succeed” mentality, otherwise known as the American Dream. That word “American” doesn’t solely describe a white person, it describes blacks, Asians, Hispanics and other cultures. There is not one country that is perfect. While Iceland is considered the safest country in the world, it is a country that has its own share of problems. Syria, currently, might be the most dangerous country in the world but it is unfortunately because of the current century that it is in. Who knows, it can be changed in a year, or decade even, that Iceland is the most dangerous and Syria is the safest. What’s important though, is that compassion and understanding is key. It doesn’t matter if a country is exclusive or inclusive, the attitude of the people define a country.

    1. Hi Mike,

      Your post is really interesting because you bring in the concept about the United States been built by immigrants. Even though some people deny coming from immigrants, the only people who have truly been here before immigrants arrived, are the Native Americans. Anyways, the point is that the United States was created by different cultures and races. Thanks for sharing your post, and hope you have a good week and quarter.

    2. Hi Mike, You make some really good points. I especially appreciated your statement “the attitude of the people define a country.” If the belief continues that we should limit the number of any group of immigrants, then discrimination will certainly continue. On the other hand, if immigrants are more welcomed and assisted, then we could possibly see discrimination and inequality decrease in our country.

  5. The topic of immigration has been a hot debate recently with the presidential elections coming up next year. Having so many immigrants changes a country by making it more diverse. The Unites States has immigrants that come from many different countries and it changes this country as different languages, morals, religions, work ethic and traditions are brought with them. With these differences we are able to learn about other cultures that we may not be able to experience ever in our life unless we visited different countries. There are other countries were you won't find diversity like we have here. People get killed for having different religious beliefs and ways of thinking in some countries. In this country we have freedom of religion which allows us all to express our religious views. A nation is different after so much immigration because there are are different cultures all mixed together. I like that in this country I can have friends with different ethnic backgrounds and learn about different cultures. A huge change that I think about is the variety of food that we have. I know it may sound a little ridiculous to bring up food out of all things but we have so many different restaurants, fast food places, etc. that have dishes from different cultures. This allows us to be able to explore different food and be able to experience the ambiance that one has with different cultures. There are many countries where this is not the case and they have uniformity.

    1. Hey Jazmin, I like that you mentioned about our nation being composed of a variety of different cultures mixed together. This allows for freedom of religion which other people may not have in other countries. It also allows for us to have friends of different ethnic backgrounds which they can then teach us about. Overall an interesting read, and am glad you brought up some great points.

    2. Jazmin, I love how you tied in the topic of freedom with diversity. I truly believe that they go hand in hand. America was created by immigrants who were seeking freedom from a nation that did not allow them to be diverse. Also, even though food is obviously less important than freedom, it is still fun to be able to experience different cultures even as they have all changed slightly and became "Americanized." Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, and I hope to hear from you soon!

    3. Hey Jazmin,
      I really enjoyed reading your perspective on culture and the influences that immigrants have brought to this country. We are constantly learning about others and I think being knowledgeable about others helps us understand ourselves even more. For example, look at the variety of stores that we have here in Bakersfield like Vallarta. Or even the callejones in Los Angeles. These places are culturally strong and I think draw all people back because it gives us a little taste of Mexico. We are able to try different foods and experience different ambiances here in the United States.

    4. Hello Jesse, I agree that it allows us to have friends from different cultures and learn about their culture through them rather than reading it from a book or doing research.

    5. Hello Janel! Yes, that was the point that I was trying to make and I am glad it came across clearly. I think it is great that we can have such diversity in this country.

    6. Hello Patricia! Thank you! :) I agree, we learn more about ourselves when we learn about others. Plus, this allows us to continue to live our culture, background, beliefs, etc. and have other people get a taste of what it is like. I love being able to get a little taste of other cultures.

  6. This is such an interesting topic that it is hard to really explain a position on immigration in just a few sentences. I completely agree with the statement that the United States is a melting pot meaning that we are made up of a little bit of many different cultures. A class I took last year on American music history truly explains this because if you look at different decades of music, American music mimics that of other nations. This was not because of looking to copy musical styles, although that did happen at times. Instead, it was because people from Ireland and Germany came and brought their musical styles with them. America is unique because of how it combines all the different cultural values and mannerism into one unique place. Sadly, after centuries of embracing the new people from other lands, people have decided that America is fine as it is and does not want to accept or adapt to new people. America is America because of the blending of cultures, and shutting the doors to new immigrants may end up changing some of the basic principles of our nations.

    1. Hello Janel,
      I really like how you included the statement of the United States being a melting pot because I have heard this analogy in many of my courses. I found it unique that you included some history on music from different cultures and mentioned that those bits of music have been integrated into some of our own American music.
      Although I don't fully agree that America doesn't accept these cultures for the fact the our nation is a nation of immigration.
      I don't think that fully opening doors to immigration is the best solution, but I think if immigrants are willing to do their duties as a citizen to the United States, they should legalize themselves the correct way. The reason I say this is because fully opening the doors to all immigration can result in higher terrorist threats and overpopulation of the country.

      Overall I really enjoyed reading your blog. The statements you made really challenged my thinking on certain topics.

    2. Hi Janel,
      I totally agree with you, America is a melting pot. America is full of different cultures and races, which makes up America! It makes me so upset that are making it so difficult for other immigrants to come into the country. We should be the most accepting country of all, but instead we are closing all doors and create our own guidelines because they aren't born here.

    3. Hi Janel,
      I complete agree with that you said above. I think in politics we lose sight of that value. I filll that America thrives based off the different cultures as well. I also fell that because other countries are looking at us as an example we need to do our best in showing them that immigration is not a problem and can sometimes help their communities thrive.

  7. Immigrants bring variation to a country. They bring knowledge and traditions that we may not have known about on our own. They give the country flavor by bringing their foods and customs. They bring color to the country by bringing their people. They allow our country to celebrate their holidays with them. In a sense, yes, the U.S. is different for having been born of immigrants. Our nation has taught us to be tolerate and mindful of others. The more we seek to be back to what were before we had so many immigrants, the more we become racist. Whether or not you realize it, you can't have both. You can't receive everyone with arms wide open and still remain without so much immigration; they go against each other.

    1. Hi Melissa,

      I agree with your post. Immigrants do bring in different knowledge and traditions in. I think as Americans we should be more aware about the different cultures coming into the United States. The more we become aware, the more we understand, and the more we are able to accept people who are different than us.

      Hope you have a great weekend!

    2. Hi Melissa,

      I agree with you when you say that immigration brings different traditions and teaches us about many things. Although I do think we should be more welcoming, our country is becoming so strict and unaccepting of others. I personally don't think there's an issue with immigration as long as it's don't for the right reasons.

  8. The US can be considered one of the largest destinations for all immigrants in the world. That being said, most growth within any country can really be attributed to the pouring in of immigrants. If you look at most history, spread and growth has always been powered by that exact movement, whether it be people escaping oppressive situations in conflict, or if a natural disaster occurred. The US is known for having a welcoming message to all immigrants that is etched into our lady liberty outside of New York. In a sense, the US was born from the migration of immigrants. Much changes in every influx of immigrants, mostly what could happen to the fluidity of the countries economy and overall structure. Sure, a strain on resources may occur, but at the same time the same immigrants can bring skills in. Labor, specialty occupations that have and will continue to overall benefit our country.
    With the entry to a new land like the US, a country will go through other changes such as the meshing of cultures. New ideas like traditions, religions and worldly views can all help a country grow and become more knowledgeable or on the other hand can even create conflict to within communities. The overall make up of a country will change with each new arrival of immigrants. They can be good or bad, but just like adding two colors together, a new color will be created.

    1. Meagan,

      I like the analogy of mixing colors and how great that can be. I didn't think from the aspect of foreign conflicts and how the U.S., even in creating some, still has open arms. A place for people to escape oppression and death. I remember an employee that came to the U.S. as a foster child after the Vietnam war. He was from Cambodia and escaped during the time of "The Killing Fields". A sad story indeed, but turned into a successful life, here in the U.S.
      I like that we can learn from each other, and with such, become a more educated and tolerable nation as a whole. Well written Maegan, thank you.

  9. Immigration has always been controversial in the United States. For example, I remember learning about the Irish immigrants who were looked down upon by the Romans and considered lazy and of no good to the country. However, now in the 21st century our nation has become a nation of immigrants. It has become something that we have learned to accept (although some Americans may object).
    Immigration changes the country in which cultural ideas have enriched our values. I am going to focus on Mexicans in general because there are many stereotypes that exist. One common myth that I frequently hear is that Mexicans are rushing into the country to live off of welfare and push Americans out of jobs. I come from a Mexican family and my relatives have always emphasized the importance of hard work and education. Not once have I heard any of my relatives tell us children to go apply for welfare so we can have more money. Although some Hispanics do fill up many jobs and depend on welfare to get by, they are most likely working where Americans aren’t willing to work like the fields or factories.
    Another reason I think immigration changes the country is fear. After the attacks of 911 our country has become traumatized and cold hearted towards certain people. I remember taking a religious studies course on Islam and watching disturbing videos of abuse towards Muslims. Because we are afraid we tend to put our guards up towards people who do not have harmful intentions and are just as American as us.

    1. Hello Patricia can I just start off by saying that I love your blog post. Everything you said was close to what I was thinking. I do remember my professor Dr. Gibbons talking about how many Irish were looked down upon because they were known to be lazy. I myself am also Mexican I have heard many controversial topics that Mexicans are just coming to drain the state from all the funds they can receive and live off of welfare. My parents never received any type of government aid or funds and have always pushed us to work hard and focus on our studies. I believe that many will look for someone to blame as to why their are so many people who are unemployed but what people fail to notice is that many mexicans do work in fields or factories since many cannot obtain a job that has great pay and benefits without knowing english or having some type of education. I also like how you mention that many Muslims are feared. In my sociology class I gave a presentation on how many middle easterns are classified as white and are called americans but yet again are not treated like a 'typical american'.

    2. Hi patricia,
      I really like your blog posts, you always make for an interesting read. I agree with all of the points that you made. I liked how you brought yourself into the mix and related it to you and your life.

    3. Hi Patricia,
      I found your post really interesting. I agree with you, I'm also Mexican and many stereotypes are not true. My parents never received any government help and I was always taught to work hard and do good in school. All your points were really good.

  10. The United States is a country that has many immigrants roaming around. This land was conquered and established by the numerous immigrants that arrived. Immigrants have many things to offer such as hard work ethics, religion and culture. The united states have a few states that are known to be extremely diverse while others may not be so. For example California is a state that has a lot of diversity when driving to San Francisco or Los Angeles you have a high chance of meeting people who are from Lebanon, Italy, Chile and Mexico and many other places. In my sociology class, that I recently took, I remember we talked about how back then many Chinese immigrants migrated to the United States in search for jobs and how hard they struggled to achieve the goals that had set out for themselves here in the United states. What Chinese immigrants did seem to receive was discrimination and harassment. At one point they had to carry around their documents around to be able to show they were allowed to live here with permission, now it is flabbergasting to think that history does tend to repeat itself. Now when we think of Asian or Chinese immigrants it is no longer a big issue because now there is a bigger focus that many politicians have been disputing over which is the topic of stopping ‘illegal immigratns’ from Mexico. Reading back on how Chinese immigrants at one point had to carry around their documents reminds me of when Arizona decided it was for the best for officers to have the right to pull over anyone who liked like they did not have documentation. For a country that is diverse and filled immigrants that come from all over the world I believe that we tend to look for reasons to fear certain immigrants. It seems as if we look for someone to blame for the certain barriers that the United States may face just in order to be able to have someone to blame.

    1. Hi Jeanette,

      I agree with what you say about how it seems that the US seems to make the same mistakes over and over again with immigrants. It seems that once they accept one group, when a new group of immigrants come, they continue to be treated in poor ways. In time, they will become more accepted again as well. I wish it would be easy for our country to learn from past mistakes and be more open minded.

    2. Hi jeanette,
      I think you made some very valid points and I agree with what you said about how the US makes a lot of mistakes. I liked the point you made that states that Chinese immigrants at one point had to carry around their documents and Arizona decided it was for the best for officers to have the right to pull over anyone who liked they didn't have documentation

  11. The idea of the "melting pot" in America was mentioned before by Janel Self, but I would like to discuss it again. It is true; the United States is different for having been born of immigrants. United States is filled with different races, ethnicities, and cultures. Immigrants have assimilated in the United States to create a diverse pool of people. This diversity has greatly influenced our country. Immigrants bring in their religions, foods, language, and most of all their dedication to providing for their families. Many immigrant families need jobs to provide resources, shelter, and food for their families. Therefore, they buy our products to meet their necessities. Immigrants work hard in factories, fields, and other professions no other American citizen would take. Other countries have also been impacted by immigrants. For example, the Germans in the 1800’s came to the United States to seek out economic opportunities, religious, and political freedom. Germans brought in new ideas about religion and a labor-union movement. German Americans were looking for ways that would free them for their oppression in their own country. Many immigrants feel the same way. They want the same religious and political freedom as well as new economic opportunities we have here in the United States. Even though, many do not understand our freedom, we are willing to accept cultural differences and become aware of the current issues at hand.

    1. Hi Brittany,

      I never knew that German immigrants brought in the idea of the labor-union movement. I'm glad you brought that up and informed us about it. Also, I agree that diversity is good for a country! New ideas, and new people it what keeps a country afloat. I do have to say that it often takes awhile for our country to accept immigrants it seems. In the end, they seem to become well assimilated, but it takes awhile, which is unfortunate. Thanks for enlightening me!

  12. The variety of immigrants the United States has received over the years has given our country a lot of diversity. Immigrants bring in new traditions, culture, food, and more labor. The United States changed when the Europeans came into the country, and it has continued to change with each new group of immigrants. In the past and the present, people have fought over whether these were negative or positive changes. I believe they were positive changes. I mean, I personally don’t think I could live without Mexican food. The variety of culture and traditions from each group of immigrants has allowed the United States to become more well rounded, I believe. When a group of immigrants first arrived, they were faced with many challenges and turmoil. Over time, the United States has gradually grown accustomed to them. Although we are not a perfect nation, and plenty of prejudices still exist, I believe immigrants have made our country better. They have helped us learn from each other and our mistakes in the way we have treated them. Currently, a large portion of the country seems to be so against the immigrants that come in illegally from Mexico. I believe in time that these arguments will fade away as others have in the past. They will become imbedded in our country as well. There is a reason people from other countries flock to ours, and that is because we have built ourselves up to be a great first world country and people can hope for the American Dream. There should be no shame in that.

    1. Hi Carly, I agree that immigrants are part of what make our nation great. They have brought new customs and beliefs to our country, and have greatly contributed to the workforce. There will surely come a time when the discrimination against Latino immigrants has lessened, just as it has for immigrants from Germany, Japan, Ireland, etc. If you think about it, all people of the United States were considered to be immigrants at some point, with the exception of the Native Americans.

    2. Taylor,

      Even the Native Americans are believed to have come from another land. It's hard to know if they were the very first to inhabit it, but it seems unlikely considering all the life forms that have lived over time. They fought for this land, and we have also continued to do so. I hope in time, we will stop discriminating against new immigrant groups.

    3. Carly, Great point. However, I was talking more about the people who migrated to the United States after the nation had started. The Native Americans may have migrated to North America, but I do not consider them to be immigrants to the United States because they were already living in that geographical area before the U.S. was developed.

  13. The United States grew out of colonial settlers from England, and the diversity of the country continued as people from all over the world migrated to the U.S. to escape poverty and oppression and to build a better life for themselves and their families. Over the course of just a couple hundred years, the United States transformed into a “melting pot” with virtually all of the world’s major cultures and nationalities represented. This has allowed for a country with various customs, religions, and types of food and clothing.

    However, the mass number of immigrants has also led to a few problems. Immigrants have continuously faced discrimination and have been blamed for our nation’s issues. For example, Japanese immigrants were relocated to internment camps after Pearl Harbor, even though over half of these people were United States citizens. Today, Latino immigrants are being discriminated against, which has caused even those who are citizens to be looked unfavorably upon by some people. Immigration has also led to some separation between races and cultures. As people migrated to the United States, they often congregated with other people of their race because this helped them to adapt to a new country. Because of this, their sense of community is strong, such as with Chinatown in San Francisco, but it may have also caused them to be distant from other races.

    1. Hi Taylor,

      I like how you brought up how people all over the world migrate to the U.S. to get away from poverty and oppresion. I had a friend in high school who came to America to come to school. She suffered great poverty in her country. Her story interested me, because she told me that her family brought her to have a better life. Many other nationalities and races face these kind of situations. I am happy to know that many people bring in different customs, foods, and etc.

      I agree with you, immigrants have faced many challenges. They are being seperated from other American citzens and looked down upon. They tend to go with people who face the same situations, which will make adaption easier in a new country.

      Thanks for bringing up some interesting points! Have a good weekend!

    2. Hi Brittany, It’s great that your friend and her family were able to migrate to the United States. I grew up in a small, predominantly white town, so I find college great because I have been able to meet several people who have traveled to the U.S. to further their education. Thank you for your reply; hope you have a great rest of the quarter!

  14. There are a lot of immigrants in the United States from all different backgrounds which is what makes the US very unique. Immigrants bring in new traditions, food, and more labor. The United States changed when the Europeans came into the country, and it has continued to change with each different group of immigrants. Immigrants have assimilated in the United States to create a diverse pool of people. This diversity has greatly influenced our country. Immigration changes the country in which cultural ideas have enriched our values. I am going to focus on Mexican immigration because there are many stereotypes that exist. Large-scale Mexican migration to the United States began in the early 20th century, motivated by labor demands in the United States and political unrest in Mexico. Throughout the 20th century, major reforms to the U.S. immigration system played a role in shaping the size and character of Mexican immigration flows. Since 1980, Mexicans have been the largest immigrant group in the United States. Mexican immigrants have been largely discriminated against which has caused even those who are citizens to be looked unfavorably upon by some people. Immigration has also led to some separation between races and cultures. They are being seperated from other American citzens and looked down upon. They tend to go with people who face the same situations, which will make adaption easier in a new country.

    1. Hello Tori, I completely agree with you Mexicans are a large part of the immigrants that get discriminated against. This in return causes stereotypes for some caucasian citizens because Mexicans begin to believe that all American citizens are discriminatory. Yet, the reality of the matter is that not only are caucasians the ones that are prejudice against Mexicans but also other races including Mexicans themselves. This is why it is important to have an open mind and realize that there are two sides to every story. Yes, some Mexicans are criminals and worsen our country but there are also those hard working Mexicans who supply the food that goes on our table and the houses we live in. So in my opinion the best way to judge people is based on their single individual actions and not assume that one persons behavior is accountable for a whole races behavior.

  15. It seems as if immigration is a growing source of tension within our society. There are positive and negative aspects from immigration. There are some groups assimilating into the dominant culture while there are some who are preserving the traditional cultural. Some groups can easily assimilate into the dominant group while others have to acquire a status to be accepted. In the beginning American’s worried that the German population would swamp America’s predominantly culture. This continued for every group who migrated to the country. Each new wave of immigrants that arrived were believed to be too different or believed that these groups were taking over, which are fears that are carried on about immigrants from Latina America (mostly).
    I am aware that there are disadvantages from immigration: increased crimes and lower unskilled wage (to mention a few). However, I believe the positive benefits outweigh the negative aspects of immigration.
    We are a nation of immigrants. The waves of immigration have enriched this country. I think there is a beauty behind different cultures in this country. There are many countries that are within our reach today than ever before. It has brought more diverse restaurants to dine in, more cultures to take part in, and it gives us the opportunity to understand what a culture is all about. Immigration through the years has brought innovative ideas, business contracts, and has made this country what is today.

    1. Hello, Jazmin I completely agree with you. The benefits definitely outweigh the disadvantages and I as well believe that immigration has so many positive factors to bring to our society. Immigration has open new doors for different cultures, new food and traditions here in the United States which in my perspective makes us more united to one another. This causes a close connection amongst different races in return new ideas get shared to bring about more developmental changes for our country.

  16. From the beginning the United States was a country that was built from immigrants which is why individuals continue to immigrate to this country. In my opinion migration is a good contribution to our American society. Immigrants bring new people who have different things to offer creating new work demands. Immigrants are known to be hard working individuals and are willing to take on jobs that others don’t in order to provide for their families. In my opinion these immigrants are very brave because it takes a lot to get used to the customs and culture of a new country. Also a lot of immigrants leave behind family members in order to provide a better future for their immediate family. In a sense migration does make the United States a different nation but in a good way by offering new job opportunities and diverse ideas to improve our country. Immigrants contribute so much to our society by working hard labor jobs such as agriculture, construction and farming. They don’t have the education needed in order to have a well payed job, but in return they motivate their children to pursue a higher education in order to have a more prosperous future. This is a good contribution to our society because after all today’s children are the future of tomorrow. So whether immigrants are Hispanic, Asian or Middle Easter they all have something important to contribute to society such as advances in education or technology and hard labor. Along with new ideas and new traditions such as St. Patrick’s Day, Chinese New Year and Cinco de Mayo.

    1. Hi Karina,
      I love the aspect of the cultural holidays you incorporated. I think all those holidays are important. It helps expand our knowledge and bring light to other cultural struggles. I think that it is important we keep and open mind an immigration is not a bad thing.

    2. Hi Karina,
      I love the aspect of the cultural holidays you incorporated. I think all those holidays are important. It helps expand our knowledge and bring light to other cultural struggles. I think that it is important we keep and open mind an immigration is not a bad thing.

  17. Unlike most I do not have a strong position on rather I am for or against immigration. This is why I am not a political science major. I feel there are pros and cons for both sides. For example I feel that immigration is good because it expands our economy, it is promotes diversity and it even provides more opportunities for some people to have better lives. Yet, with all good there is bad. It creates a competition for jobs, it contributes to our poverty rate, and can expose the people of the US to harmful things. I think a lot of times we forget the bad and want to focus on all the good. I think we should have stricter rules of entry and that may cut down on the immigration numbers. Especially if we are allowing people to come over who will be more of a liability than an asset.
    All in all I am very much for promoting the diversity an expanding our knowledge of others from different counties. But I am very much against people bring over drugs and diseases. It may seem simple minded but I think I am speaking for everyone by saying I wouldn’t want my family to be personally effected by Ebola or money being taken from my home to feed my children.

  18. The United States is one big melting pot. It has the biggest population of immigrants compared to other countries around the world. A country can change after the population of so many immigrants from different nations come together. Customs, traditions, languages, and even food can become a part of society. The nation is different after so many immigrates due to the blending from all the different cultures. Immigrants bring over their language, values, foods, traditions and customs, even their religious views. Everything gets incorporated in our everyday society that we no longer even notice it. The United States is different from other countries; but in my opinion it is a positive way. The United States has allowed all immigrants to feel safe and have hope for a better life. Many immigrants leave their country for safely reason while others leave in hopes of finding their American Dream. Overall, I believe immigrates has been a positive thing for our country because many do contribute very positive things to our society. Many immigrants work hard and have very strong work ethics. The United States wouldn’t be the country is in today without so many immigrants that made it what it is today.

    1. Hi Carolina i feel like you stole the words right out of my mouth. We view immigration in a very similar way. When you mentioned immigrants bringing there customs, traditions, and etc. I had a clear picture of all the different cultures, religions and so on that this country has to offer. We can consider ourselves lucky for having the chance to witness the beauty of differences.

  19. The topic on immigrants in general is a very powerful topic. The United States is made of immigrants from all over the world. For instance, the variety of different people that have already entered plus many more that are stil immigrating, are greatly impacting the United States today. The beauty of the United States is the how there are is a large amount of immigrants. Each immigrant brings in there own values and cultures which we see today in big cities. I personally enjoy different. When we visit big cities like Los Angeles, San Fransico, and Chicago there is small towns for each individual culture. I don't believe immigrants come to the United States to worsen it but to seek opportunities that aren't given in there own country. Immigration is what made the United States and everyone has there purpose here. Yes, immigration has changed the United States but i dont believe its a bad change. It's made the United States what it is today.

  20. Hi Elizabeth,
    I totally agree with you, the United States is made up of immigration. I also believe that there is not an issue with Immigration. The different cultures are what makes us such a strong country. The term immigrants can be such a degrating word but yet like you mentioned most people are considered immigrants since people come from all over the world. I like how you mentioned us no longer being seen by our race but by our cultures, because in reality that is actually what we bring with us, not the terms, "hispanic, white, blacks, and etc.".
