Weekly work...

These are time sensitive. You do not receive credit if you write them after the deadline each week.

First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.

Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.

Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.'

Monday, October 19, 2015


Is original thinking a mental disorder? What does it mean to be unique?


  1. I don't believe that the act of free thinking or the questioning of authority is the issue, it is the actions that follow. There is a certain way and a certain time to do things. If students are disrespectful to teachers, or too much to handle for their parents, we will end of with citizens not following laws and not listening to police. We are an overmedicating culture though and we need to find other ways to help children and adults other than pumping them full of drugs. There needs to be more studies with behavioral science on how to provide therapy to these individuals for them to learn how to control their behaviors. I encourage free thinking but not the defiant behavior that follows.

  2. Iconoclast: one who opposes established beliefs, and institutions, Imperturbable: not capable of being disturbed, Impervious: impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected, Impetuous: quick to act without thinking, Implacable: unable to be calmed down or made peaceful, Inchoate: not fully formed; disorganized, Ingenuous: showing innocence or childlike simplicity, Inimical: hostile, unfriendly, Innocuous: harmless, Insipid: lacking interest or flavor.

    Which would you label a free thinker?

    Sorry, I have to whisper. It’s 2:00AM and I’m listening to vocabulary words on my phone, while my wife, she’s already gone off to slumber. I know this, because I can hear her breathing, even with earphones on. Exhaustion. Sorry, did I say that too loud. I’ll try and be quite. Anyways, is this how you get ahead? I remembered the reading as I’m lying here and thought? (Quietly) Hey, I think I can go somewhere with this. Now, I’m preparing for the GRE but honestly, I could use a bigger vocabulary. Oh the stress is mounting, like weeds of worry running through an otherwise very tendered mind. Is this the way we are fed through the education machine? At least after graduate school it will change. If I can only make it there, then I’ll put my head to the grindstone, and push to finish fast. Yeah, and this, it’s going to pay off. I know it. Here, I already checked the small jobs…hold on….So, all that, time I putting in…whoops, hold, on…see, I bet, I could easily get, there, that GS-5 position. What, hold on sorry, I switched to jobs link. Look, see, what you would make? DO see how we could qualify for a GS-7 position, just from GPA and the honors society, even hawk honors will help. (How did they know?) Wait, only, only one year in graduate school and you can qualify for the GS-9 position. That’s 30K more a year. Heck, what if, I get in, and then just didn’t finish…OK focus. But, GS-7 now, or GS-9 later. This is either a scheme for the government to make more money off me in student loans or we being farmed and fattened very secretly. And then, it hit me; maybe free thinkers are just terrible livestock. If the entry level is say GS-5, they would say, “Nah, I’m fine with GS-4.” They know something I don’t. But, wished, I did. Their day isn’t engulfed in a pursuit to get that one more level. I’m jealous in the way they can say, “Nope, not for me”. Is that a metal illness? Is that a disease? Maybe, I’m mentally ill for doing all this. Maybe, I’m the one infected, and they are trying to spread the cure.

    Well, either way...I need sleep.

  3. My mother and I have had an ongoing belief that many of these “illnesses” are simply ridiculous. I think there is definitely some people who do have extreme cases of ADHD or ADD or OCD, but I think it is more of a spectrum. Some people may have elements of these illnesses, but that could still be normal. Everyone is different. Every single person has different looks and different personalities. I think more often than not, we see people who aren’t like us and think that something has to be wrong with them mentally. I know there’s a lot of science that goes on behind this, but children are always changing. They are growing and learning and taking in the world. A doctor may label an overactive as ADHD. What if they just haven’t built their ability to focus on one subject? I had trouble with that as a child. I also had extreme aggression as a child. As I’ve gotten older, those kind of personality traits have changed. Sure, I’m still quick to anger as an adult, but I am also quick to get past the anger. I don’t let it affect the way I act as easily. I’ve also developed great studying habits. I know there are some children who are at the far end of the spectrum, and medication can definitely help them in their life. But the amount of children being labeled with mental illnesses is not okay. Telling these children that there is something wrong with them when they are just beginning their life does not set a good precedent for the rest of it. They will always be thinking something is wrong with them, when in time, their “illness” may change. Everyone is different to someone else, but that doesn’t mean they are abnormal.

  4. It is crazy to believe the act of free thinking or questioning authority is a mental disorder. Creativity and open-mindedness is by no means an illness. Sure there are certain ways certain things are done, but having alternate methods of doing those things doesn’t make you sick, just resourceful. Many believe that it’s free thinking that leads to defiant behavior, and while this may be true, it’s not always simply to oppose authority. People such as Steve Jobs are considered free thinkers for their revolutionary ideas and are seen as idols. I’m sure he refused to accept computers as big and bulky machines and is why he went out to make them smaller and more accessible for people to own. While this is seen as an act of free thinking, it is also seen as one of defiance, but I see no reason to label him as having a mental disorder. Just because something is different doesn’t mean it’s broken or needs fixing. There are definitely more options out there than pumping people full of drugs, and I don’t agree with this method even as a last resort. So while some people take their defiance to a different scale, such as not following laws or listening to the police, I encourage free thinking as long as it leads to no harm.


  5. Original thinking is not a mental disorder. One can say that people who create and discover new things is a genius, because of the ability for that person to create anything. People that have invented new things for society were able to do this because they had a particular way of thinking. If original thinking were a mental disorder than many of the inventions would not exist today. As a society, we would judge that person because of the way they think, causing the special thinkers to forcefully become medicated and possibly forced into a mental hospital. The research conducted by the professional psychologist does not represent a true statement about diagnosing freethinking as a mental disorder or disease. Furthermore, it might be true in some cases, but the reality is that this research does not prove if someone who suffers from problematic and chaotic attitude falls under the disease or mental disorder category. Perhaps healthy people are diagnosed with a mental disorder or disease because they have similar symptoms as those people who really suffer from the disorders. In today’s society, many people use medications to self-medicate themselves, causing mental illnesses to really occur. It is important to know that some of the studies conducted can work and help to diagnose children that suffer from an illness, such as ADD and bipolar disorder. Some people and countries such as Russia have wrongly used mental disorder diagnosis to suppress their people to prevent them from speaking their minds about the regime of the country. To be someone who has other ways of thinking and a certain way of behaving does not mean that one person is mentally sick. To have a special way of thinking and behaving is unique because you see things in a different or better way than others do.

  6. I think that it absolutely crazy to think that free thinking people are characterized as having a mental disorder. Without these people the world today would be completely different. Such as, Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison; they all were free thinkers and everyone told them that they were crazy, but without them we wouldn't have the technology and resources we have today. Thomas Edison is considered the father of the light bulb, and what a different life we would have if he hadn't thought out of the box and changed the way we live our lives. Or Steve Jobs and how he changed the view on technology. He had to go through ridicule and criticism by many people to get to where he was and how successful he became. Without these types of people our world would never evolve and change the way that it should. They should not be considered mentally disabled by any means. I encourage free thinking as long as it is safe and is used for the greater good.

  7. Free thinking a mental illness? Really? It shocks me to think that people actually think this is a mental disorder. The line that stood out to me when reading this passage was, “A majority of these illnesses afflict children." As children, they tend to have the most vivid imagination and are preparing for the world of critical thinkers. Having this kind of imagination and creativity is labeled as, “arrogance, narcissism, above-average creativity, cynicism, and antisocial thinking.” How do you think the dream of Disneyland became a reality or a library full of the great Dr. Seuss books? It happened because of free thinking. Walt Disney looked crazy with his wild thinking! He wanted to give every child or adult the opportunity to expand their imagination and creativity. Dr. Seuss became a great writer and author of many children's books. Dr. Seuss used “chanting” rhymes to help children learn new words and develop their vocabulary. He had one dream and went above-average of creative thinking. Using free thinking allows individuals to be unique. Each and every child or adult may have an above-average creativity to create new inventions, books, technology, cures, and many other advances that are necessary in our world today.

  8. As a Psychology minor, I have taken courses in mental health and abnormal psychology, and I do not believe that this reading accurately reflects the informed opinion. All of the personality disorders listed are things that have never been seen as good in people such as always thinking about yourself (narcissistic personality disorder) or not being able to show empathy to others or care for others (antisocial personality disorder). However, I do believe that many children are being diagnosed far to often and/or given treatments that are in excess of their symptoms that are in part a result of simply being children.
    I know that did not necessarily answer the question so to put it plainly, no, I do not believe that creative thinking is a mental disorder. Creativity is being able to think about things in a new way given a specific set of stimuli which is actually what makes humans unique from animals. Someone is unique when they see the world in a different way or behave in a different way. Sometimes this is good, as is the case with creativity, and other times it is bad. No one wants to be unique in that he or she has no arms or legs or has some physical defect. In the same way, it is not ideal to be unique mentally in a way that impairs function. Still, it does not mean that they are any less of a person, and that uniqueness can be used in its own way to create something good.

  9. I definitely do not believe that original thinking is a mental disorder. I have recently studied a couple different mental disorders that have been included as editions to the DSMV-IV. The mental disorders that I studied had great research and a lot of detailed information regarding those disorders. My opinion about the DSMV-IV and the psychiatrists who came up with this new edition of mental illness has now changed. I find it ridiculous that some people may actually believe that free thinking is a mental disorder. We are not robots, we are not wired to all think the same and follow all rules without questioning them. There are people who may not follow certain rules because they go against their morals and beliefs. So now if a person is not following a certain rule or authority they may now be suffering from the mental health illness labeled as oppositional defiant disorder? We are human beings, therefore many of us will practice free thinking. The fact that free thinking is being addressed as a main issue within children shocks me. Children naturally do not obey authority such as their parents, teachers, relatives, etc. because they are kids. They are not old enough to understand everything and many times wonder why it is that they have to do something. I do not think this means that a child now has a disorder. Children's brains are still developing and the way they act and think is helping them become the adult that they will be one day.
    To be unique means to be different, to be an individual. Free thinking is part of being an individual person. It would be very boring if we lived in a world where we would all have to think the same and could not question authority at some point in order to voice our opinion.

  10. As an owner of the DMS-IV, it still shocks me to see that pretty much everything can be considered a mental illness. For my Abnormal Psych course, we were required to purchase the DSM-IV for our in class text. My professor had mentioned to us in one of her power points that mental illnesses are on the rise. My professor challenged us by questioning whether mental illness is on the rise because more personality traits are being defined as disorders? Or if these illness are really sky rocketing? Interestingly, I decided that the reason was that mostly anything you do, say, or think, could classify you as mentally disturbed. I do not believe that original thinking should be considered a disorder because these initial thoughts make us who we are. The dictionary defines a disorder as “a state of confusion.” When an individual thinks outside of the box, this is not necessarily a state of confusion, but a state of determination to come up with a solution/answer for a situation.
    Although some may claim that freethinking leads to defiance, freethinking does not cause defiance and can be used positively. Take into consideration Martin Luther King Jr. who had a dream that all people of all colors would love one another the same. It makes me think what type of disorder would King be classified under if his actions for civil rights and equality were measured? Sometimes it takes a freethinker to make the world a better place. Someone who is not afraid to think beyond what we consider “normal” is like no other.
    I believe that these classifications are all examples of labels. I do not believe in labels and find it absurd that our society is so quick to define a person by one trait he or she may have.

  11. Is free thinking a mental illness? No. I do not believe that it is an illness. People cannot be expected to be the same. Of course, there will be individuals who disobey the law, pessimist, and people who speak their mind. If this was not the case and no one spoke their mind, perhaps the changes that have been made through history would not have occurred. Those who concluded that those personal traits were diseases definitely had too much time on their hands. I think that people are making up this “illness” and it is simply bogus. Medications is a form of making more money and I believe this discovered “illness” is the reason for it. Imagine. Where would the world stand without creative thinking? It is absurd to believe that it is an illness. I encourage creative thinking, to think and be different from others is the best characteristics people can have.

  12. For week six reading I read the article, "Is Free Thinking A Mental Illness?" Thinking differently from someone else shouldn't give us the authority to declare someone with a mental illness. If this were the case what would occur to all who do not think the same as one. For example, religious believes and political views.

    DSM-IV has gone from 130 to 357 mental illnesses, in my opinion this can affect our community in many different ways. First of, it affects our safety because we keep criminals who have committed terrible crimes out of jail because they have been classified with a mental illness. It is really upsetting to be living in a decade were arrogance, narcissism, above-average creativity, cynicism, and antisocial behavior are seen as a mental illness.

    These classifications are what make people doubt themselves form being who they truly are. This is why I believe many should be who they want to be because no one should live in fear of being labeled.

  13. Original thinking is something that drives our nation forward. It allows for new cultures, religions, customs, music, and art. Many of the people who influenced the world are considered to be original thinkers: Leonardo DaVinci, Mark Twain, Martin Luther King, Jr. According to the DSM, a mental disorder is marked by an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior.” While original thinkers may be going against the norm of society, they aren’t necessarily doing it for negative or disobedient reasons. They could simply be expressing their original ideas in order to show a new viewpoint.

    To me, to be unique is to be yourself without worrying about what others think of you. It is to bring a different perspective to the world, or to show a different solution to a problem. I think that everyone is unique in their own way. Some people play an instrument, some play sports, and some are artists. Everyone has their own way of approaching a problem or viewing the world, but not everyone expresses their ideas. To express your different ideas is the primary way to show your uniqueness to the world.

  14. Is free thinking, or original thinking, a mental disorder? I think, and no rudeness intended, this is absolutely a ridiculous question. The post from the news site, Off the Grid,” was ridiculous. Right from the beginning, it questions whether “nonconformity and freethinking” is a mental illness. It then explains that “oppositional defiant disorder,” or ODD, is an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior.” It should be noted that there is a key difference between a person having “free thinking,” however that is defined, and a continuous, aggressive disorder known as ODD. Why shouldn’t people question the norm of the society? Why shouldn’t a student be able to question the subject content of a course, if it is in fact concerning? The point is, there is no problem. Each and every person should be able to question freely if they choose to do so. That is what the United States represents, and it should be something that is encouraged in every country. It is through differences in opinion that new concepts and different perspectives are introduced. Education is all about learning something new, and sometimes, taking a position on a particular issue is key. So, I don’t think that original thinking is a mental disorder.

    I will say though that there are some cases that people should be respectful and hear out all opinions. Listening to differences in opinion is important to the idea of free thinking. Different opinions are what each person unique and special. Different perspectives that result from backgrounds, cultures, families bring unique perspectives and solutions to issues that commonly arise due to persistent issues. Take for example the current candidates for President. Donald Trump has expressed his opinion on a number of controversial issues. I don’t think anyone should shut down his right to express his opinion. It is also guaranteed to him, as well as everyone else, through the First Amendment. It is not right though that Donald Trump shut down other people’s comments. Fairness should be given across the board.

  15. The line that stood out to me the most was the one where the DSM- IV states that personality traits are now known as diseases. I completely agree with this because we are set apart by cultural differences. This makes us who we are. The way we were raised leads us to believe certain things that others had never heard of or will think is bizarre. Some people may believe in one thing while another person strongly opposes another thing. The way we grow up has a lot to say about our beliefs. Due to our strong identifications, we should not be criticized or labeled by having a mental illness. We have the freedom to say what we want whether some people believe in it or not. That is the way we communicate with the rest of the world. We value different things therefore; we are not all going to act the same. That’s what makes our world unique. Difference is what makes a society. Everyone has the capability of nonconformity. Free thinking brings creativity to the world which is why we have advanced technology and the freedom of speech.

  16. I personally don't think that free thinking is a bad thing. I also don't believe that it's a diseased. Free thinking allows people to express themselves and speak there mind. I also don't see a problem with people becoming annoyed easily: many become annoyed because of trait they don't like in others. I don't think it's a problem that others don't like each other, it's normal; everyone has conflicts. I think someone who wants to murder or harm another being is a disease, that's a more harsh trait. Free thinking allows someone to be at ease and to evaluate what they are thinking.

  17. In my opinion free thinking isn't a crime but instead a unique trait. People who have a creative mind are the ones who come up with some of the best ideas. There is a difference between not agreeing with others and being bipolar the problem is that society nowadays rather's to prescribe both of these individuals with medication in order to find the easy way out. Some of these people might not even have a disorder they just experience a different point of view but society has become lazy and is now diagnosing any little abnormal behavior as a disease.
